Monday, September 26, 2011

The first meeting

Now that I look back I was very naive.  My first sugar daddy (SD), we'll call him Steve, and I sent messages via the website a few times.  Then e-mails, then text messages, a few phone calls and then he came to my home for our first meeting.  Yes, to my home.  Was this the best idea? Um, probably not considering I lived in a very rural area and no one would know anything happened to me until I didn't show up to pick my girls up from school that day.  Luckily it all turned out fine but I don't recommend doing that whatsoever.  Of course the first meeting, especially for two first timers, is very awkward.   Nowadays its really no big deal for me.  First meetings consist of a lunch or dinner and its more like a job interview then anything.  But our first meeting lasted for quite a while.  We talked about a lot of things from family to his work to the financial arrangement.  I have always left this issue up to them.  I'm not selling myself.  I'm not a prostitute.  It is their choice how they want to help whether it be money, grocery shopping, etc.  It also is up to them in how often they will help.  I really lucked out in this area the first go around because every time he saw me I got money which helped my situation greatly. 

So, after talking for a while we moved on to the real reason why he was there.  It was an interesting experience.  I thought I would hate it and hate myself for it but I didn't.  I enjoyed it greatly because for the first time in my life I was with someone who enjoyed it as much as I did.  He wanted me which was also a big difference from my past.  I don't ever remember being desired like that from anyone.  I also learned how much someone could enjoy something when you did everything you could to please them the way they loved it.  And this was really just the beginning of my learning and my road being a sugar baby.

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